Films & Photos

This is the Nolichucky 2

This is the Nolichucky

Please join us to ensure the Nolichucky remains free-flowing. It’s hard to believe but only 0.35% of the rivers in the US are protected under the Wild and Scenic Rivers Act. With this year marking the 50th Anniversary of the Wild & Scenic Rivers Act, there is no better time to build a movement around the iconic Nolichucky Gorge. Let’s get a bill passed through Congress and protect this river for not only the local communities but for all of those who like to fish, paddle and play in the water. The Nolichucky River is known for its outstandingly remarkable scenic, recreation, geologic, and ecological values. The 7-mile section of river between Poplar, NC and Unaka Springs, TN has already been recommended by the US Forest Service for protection under the Wild and Scenic Rivers Act. In order to protect this river for future generations it will need widespread community engagement and support from our elected officials. If keeping the Nolichucky a free-flowing river is important to you please consider sharing this film.
